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David Clinton

Mobile & Frontend Engineer

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Visits count: 500

'Ey Legend 😊,

So, I’m mostly into mobile app development, yeah, with React Native and all that jazz, but I’ve been known to stick my nose into a bit of everything—web apps, command-line stuff, you name it. If you fancy a good read on a lazy Sunday, you can sign up for my Substack and get my latest musings delivered right to your inbox.

Now, my blog isn’t just me rabbiting on. Nah, it’s a space for us to have a bit of back-and-forth, so feel free to give me a shout if:

  • 🧰 There’s somethin’ you’re curious about and wanna see on the blog.
  • 🪜 You’ve got some wicked resources for up-and-coming software devs.
  • 😁 Or even if you just wanna say, “How’s it goin', mate?”

Always up for a natter and happy to share more. Have a butcher’s at my About page if you're keen.

Oh, and right now, I’m tinkerin’ with to bring some spicy analytics to the page. Fancy a peek? Check it out here.


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Some Client Works

Finance on Property (Kiathagana)

A web application for applying for finance grants and an admin dashboard to manage it

Next.jsTypeScriptDrizzle ORMPostgreSQL

Appointment Booking (Pamba)

A web and mobile application for booking spa, salon etc appointments

Next.jsTypeScriptFlask APIReact Native
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A few things I've Built 🏗️

Money Guard

Built an AI-powered Finance Planner App with Fullstack Next.js and Nebius AI Studio

Nebius AI StudioNext JsDrizzle ORM

Spell Checker in Rust

A simple spell checker written in Rust that suggests corrections for misspelled words based on word frequency..


Typing Tournament

A full-stack web application for comprehensive tournament management.

Next.jsTypeScriptDrizzle ORMNext Auth
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